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Innovations in Mindfulness is a pioneering programme that champions the research, creativity, and collaborative efforts required to advance the practice and teaching of mindfulness. Our mission is to enhance the effectiveness, diversity, inclusivity, and overall benefit of mindfulness training, ensuring it reaches its fullest potential in contributing to individual and collective well-being.

Responding to the need for a roadmap to guide the development of impactful and sustainable mindfulness programmes, in 2019 the Mindfulness Initiative published the Fieldbook for Mindfulness Innovators. This seminal work emphasises the critical role of co-designing with users and grounding innovative ideas in solid evidence, and continues to serve as a cornerstone resource for anyone aspiring to innovate in the mindfulness sphere. Recently updated and revitalised by its author, innovation specialist Menka Sanghvi, it now includes sections on social mindfulness, as well as diversity, equality and inclusion.

The success of the Fieldbook catalysed a partnership with the Hart Knowe Trust, leading to the launch of the inaugural Innovations in Mindfulness Awards in 2022. Aimed at early-stage initiatives within the UK, the Awards brought to light the incredible diversity and creativity in the mindfulness community, particularly highlighting contributions from underrepresented groups. The celebration of these finalists and winners not only brought benefits to their projects, but also fuelled an enthusiasm for new ideas, and a burgeoning sense of belonging among mindfulness innovators.

" The intention is to celebrate achievements, to give some level of support and also to encourage other people. I hope that people will think, well, if they did that, maybe I could do that too." 
Vin Harris, Hart Knowe Trust

Building on this foundation, the 2024 Awards are set to expand, introducing new categories and reaching beyond the UK to embrace a wider geographic participation. Our vision is to hold these Awards biennially, fostering a sustainable and growing platform that encourages innovation in mindfulness. We are actively seeking collaborators and sponsors who share our enthusiasm and wish to contribute to the flourishing of this vital project.

In addition to hosting the Awards and the Fieldbook, we have launched this microsite to spotlight different perspectives from across the sector. We invite you to engage in a dynamic exchange of ideas, stories, and insights through our community blog. This space is dedicated to inspiring one another, grappling with challenges, and fostering a critical dialogue about the future direction of mindfulness.

Join us in this exciting endeavour. Whether you are a practitioner, researcher, social entrepreneur, funder, or simply curious about the potential of mindfulness, you are welcome here. Together, let's explore the possibilities.

A collaboration between two organisations that believe in the importance of innovation in the field of mindfulness.

The Mindfulness Initiative bridges contemplative practice and public policy, championing the inner dimension of social change. In 2019 we published the Fieldbook for Mindfulness Innovators, which has since been supporting innovators globally in developing their projects.

The main purpose of the charity is the advancement of education;  providing opportunities for training so that the development of human potential will improve the quality of individuals’ own lives and enable them to share the value of what they have learnt.

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